It is illegal in Nevada to carry a concealed machete without a current and valid CCW permit from your local county sheriff.1 Penalties for “carrying concealed weapons” (“CCW”) include $2,000 in fines and/or possibly 364 days in jail.2
In this article, our Las Vegas criminal defense attorneys discuss:
- 1. Can I carry a concealed machete in Nevada?
- 2. How do I get a permit?
- 3. Are there places I can never carry a machete?
- 4. What about for out-of-state residents?
- 5. Can anyone carry a concealed machete without a permit?
- 6. What is the law for other types of knives?
- 7. What are the best defenses?
- 8. What are the penalties?
1. Can I carry a concealed machete in Nevada?
Nevada knife laws prohibit carrying a concealed machete without a permit.3 A weapon is “concealed” if it is carried on your person in a way meant to go unseen.4 Examples of CCW include:
- Keeping the machete in a pants pocket
- Carrying the machete in a backpack or handbag
- Hiding the machete in underclothing
In addition, the Nevada Supreme Court held that carrying a machete under a jacket qualifies as CCW.5
2. How do I get a permit?
You may apply for a permit to carry a concealed machete from your local county sheriff in Nevada. Note that this is a different permit from the one necessary to carry concealed handguns. 6
Note that sheriffs may now issue permits to carry a concealed switchblade.7 Read more in our article about switchblade laws in Nevada.
3. Are there places I can never carry a machete?
Concealed carrying machetes is illegal in the following Nevada locations even with a permit:
- Public or private schools (or in the vehicles belonging to the schools)
- Public universities
- Childcare facilities (or in the vehicles belonging to the facility). If the childcare facility is in a home, CCW laws apply only during business hours. Furthermore, the facility owner may be able to carry a concealed weapon at anytime as long as they have a permit.8
Finally, note that peace officers, security guards, and others authorized by the Nevada System of Higher Education may carry concealed weapons at schools and childcare facilities.9 For more information see our article on Nevada laws for possessing weapons on school property (NRS 202.265).
4. What about for out-of-state residents?
Nevada law does not always recognize out-of-state CCW permits.10 Contact Nevada’s Department of Public Safety at 775-684-4808 to see if a particular state’s CCW permit is valid in Nevada.
People moving to Nevada who have a Nevada-recognized CCW permit from out-of-state can continue to use that permit for the first 60 days of residency.11 After that, they must secure a CCW permit from their local county in order to continue carrying concealed weapons.
5. Can anyone carry a concealed machete without a permit?
Some government employees are not required to get permits to carry concealed machetes in Nevada. These people include:
- Qualified law enforcement officers and qualified retired law enforcement officers authorized to carry concealed weapons.
- Sheriffs, constables, marshals, peace officers, correctional officers, special police officers, Nevada police officers, and appointed officers. (It makes no difference whether the person is active or honorably retired. Note that “honorably retired” means retired in Nevada after completion of 10 years of creditable service as a member of the Public Employees’ Retirement System. However, this does not include former peace officers who retired for disability unless their former employer approved their fitness to carry a concealed weapon.)
- Anyone summoned by any peace officer to assist in making arrests or preserving the peace but only while that person is actually helping the peace officer.
- Full-time paid peace officers carrying out official Nevada state duties.
- On-duty members of the Armed Forces.12
6. What is the law for other types of knives?
Steak knives, butter knives, and Swiss Army knives are not considered dangerous weapons.13 However, carrying these knives concealed can still violate NRS 202.350: If you intend to use any knife as a weapon instead of as a tool, you can still be criminally liable for carrying a concealed weapon.14
In Clark County specifically, it is illegal to carry concealed any knife with a blade longer than three inches. Though there is no blade length limitation if the knife is carried openly.15
Note that different counties and cities within Nevada may impose their own knife laws that are stricter than Nevada state law.
7. What are the best defenses?
One of the most common defenses to Nevada criminal charges of carrying a concealed machete without a current and valid CCW is that there was no concealment. Perhaps you were carrying the weapon openly, and the arresting officer did not realize it.
Another possible defense to CCW charges is that the knife in question doe not legally qualify as a machete. We can call upon a weapons expert witness to examine the knife and testify that it falls under a different category.
Note that it is usually not a defense that you were carrying the concealed machete to protect yourself. Learn more about Nevada self-defense laws.
8. What are the penalties?
A first-time offense of carrying a concealed machete without a permit is a gross misdemeanor in Nevada. The punishment includes:
- up to 364 days in jail, and/or
- up to $2,000 in jail.
Any subsequent offense of carrying a concealed machete without a permit is a category D felony. The sentence is:
- 1 to 4 years in Nevada State Prison, and
- up to $5,000 in fines.16
Note that a defense lawyer may be able to get the charges dismissed or reduced to a misdemeanor. Misdemeanors carry a maximum of six months in jail and/or up to $1,000 in fines.17
Further Reading
For more information on Nevada knife laws, go to our related articles:
- Drawing a deadly weapon in an angry manner (NRS 202.320)
- Carrying concealed weapons
- How to get a permit to carry a concealed knife in Las Vegas
- Are butterfly knives legal in Nevada?
- Can I open carry a knife in Nevada?
- Can you open carry a knife in Las Vegas?
- Is it illegal to carry a dirk or dagger in Las Vegas?
Legal References
- NRS 202.350 (“1. [A] person within this State shall not:…(d) Carry concealed upon his or her person any:…(2) machete;”).
- NRS 202.350(2)(a).
- NRS 202.350(1)(d)(2).
- NRS 202.350(8)(a).
- Huebner v. State (Nev. 1987) 731 P.2d 1330.
- NRS 202.350(3).
- Same.
- NRS 202.265.
- Same.
- NRS 202.3688.
- NRS 202.3688(2)(b).
- NRS 202.350(4).
- Buff v. State (Nev. 1998) 970 P.2d 564 (Swiss Army knives are not deadly weapons.).
- Knight v. State (Nev. 2000) 993 P.2d 67.
- CCO 12.04.180.
- NRS 202.350(2)(a).
- NRS 193.150.