Si eres un contratista en Nevada y eres condenado por un crimen, estás sujeto a acciones disciplinarias por parte de la Junta de Contratistas del Estado de Nevada (NSCB). Por lo tanto, es importante contratar a un abogado de defensa criminal lo antes posible después de tu arresto para luchar contra los cargos.
Buena conducta moral
La ley de Nevada requiere que los contratistas con licencia “posean buena conducta”. La NSCB puede establecer falta de conducta cuando has sido condenado en Nevada o en otro estado por un crimen que demuestre falta de aptitud para actuar como contratista. Estos incluyen cualquier:
- delito grave o
- crimen que involucre mala conducta moral (como delitos de violencia, fraude o robo).
Las faltas menores no deberían amenazar tu licencia de contratista.
Acciones disciplinarias
Dependiendo de la gravedad de tu condena criminal, la NSCB puede imponer acciones disciplinarias como:
- revocar tu licencia
- suspender tu licencia
- negar la renovación de tu licencia
- emitir una reprimenda pública
- aumentar la cantidad de fianza o depósito en efectivo en tu licencia
- imponer límites en el campo, alcance y límite monetario de tu licencia
- imponer el pago de una multa
- imponer el pago de una restitución
- ordenarte tomar medidas correctivas
Luchar contra las acciones disciplinarias
Como contratista en Nevada, tienes derecho a una audiencia administrativa si la NSCB está considerando suspender o revocar tu licencia. Estas audiencias son como un mini juicio donde tú o tu abogado pueden presentar pruebas en tu defensa y argumentar por qué no deberías ser disciplinado.
Tenga en cuenta que para que el NSCB tome medidas disciplinarias, su condena debe haber sido confirmada en apelación o debe haber transcurrido el tiempo para apelar.
Contratar sin licencia
Si su licencia de contratista es suspendida o revocada en Nevada, debe detener el trabajo hasta obtener una nueva licencia. Es un delito según NRS 624.700 continuar contratando, como lo ilustra esta tabla:
Contratar sin licencia | Sanciones de Nevada |
Primera infracción | Delito menor:
Segunda infracción | Delito mayor:
Infracción posterior | Delito grave de categoría E:
Además, ser condenado por contratar sin licencia probablemente le impedirá obtener una licencia de contratista en Nevada en el futuro.
1. Un solicitante de licencia de contratista o un contratista con licencia, cada oficial, director, socio y asociado de éste, y cualquier persona que califique en nombre del solicitante de conformidad con la subsección 2 de NRS 624.260 debe poseer buena conducta. La falta de carácter puede establecerse demostrando que el solicitante o contratista con licencia, cualquier oficial, director, socio o asociado de éste, o cualquier persona que califique en nombre del solicitante ha:
(a) Cometido cualquier acto que sería motivo para la denegación, suspensión o revocación de una licencia de contratista;
(b) Una mala reputación por honestidad e integridad;
(c) Ingresado una declaración de culpabilidad, culpable pero mentalmente enfermo o nolo contendere a, sido declarado culpable o culpable pero mentalmente enfermo de, o sido condenado, en este Estado o en cualquier otra jurisdicción, de un delito que surja de, en conexión con o relacionado con las actividades de dicha persona de tal manera que demuestre su incapacidad para actuar como contratista, y el tiempo para apelar ha transcurrido o la sentencia de condena ha sido confirmada en apelación; o
(d) Tenido una licencia revocada o suspendida por motivos que impedirían la concesión o renovación de una licencia para la cual se ha presentado la solicitud.
1. The Board may take disciplinary action against a contractor or a person who has applied for a contractor’s license or a person who has qualified on behalf of an applicant for a contractor’s license if the contractor, applicant or person:
(a) Has violated any provision of this chapter or any regulation adopted pursuant thereto;
(b) Has committed any act which would be grounds for the denial, suspension or revocation of a contractor’s license;
(c) Has failed to comply with any order of the Board;
(d) Has failed to comply with any order of the Board to pay money to a person who has suffered a loss as a result of the contractor’s activities as a contractor;
(e) Has failed to comply with any order of the Board to pay money to the State of Nevada for a fine imposed pursuant to this section;
(f) Has failed to comply with any order of the Board to pay money to the State of Nevada for the cost of an investigation or proceeding conducted pursuant to this chapter;
(g) Has failed to comply with any order of the Board to pay money to the State of Nevada for the cost of a background investigation conducted pursuant to NRS 624.265;
(h) Has failed to comply with any order of the Board to pay money to the State of Nevada for the cost of a compliance audit conducted pursuant to NRS 624.700;
(i) Has failed to comply with any order of the Board to pay money to the State of Nevada for the cost of a compliance audit conducted pursuant to NRS 624.720;
(j) Has failed to comply with any order of the Board to pay money to the State of Nevada for the cost of a compliance audit conducted pursuant to NRS 624.740;
(k) Has failed to comply with any order of the Board to pay money to the State of Nevada for the cost of a compliance audit conducted pursuant to NRS 624.750;
(l) Has failed to comply with any order of the Board to pay money to the State of Nevada for the cost of a compliance audit conducted pursuant to NRS 624.760;
(m) Has failed to comply with any order of the Board to pay money to the State of Nevada for the cost of a compliance audit conducted pursuant to NRS 624.770;
(n) Has failed to comply with any order of the Board to pay money to the State of Nevada for the cost of a compliance audit conducted pursuant to NRS 624.780;
(o) Has failed to comply with any order of the Board to pay money to the State of Nevada for the cost of a compliance audit conducted pursuant to NRS 624.790;
(p) Has failed to comply with any order of the Board to pay money to the State of Nevada for the cost of a compliance audit conducted pursuant to NRS 624.800;
(q) Has failed to comply with any order of the Board to pay money to the State of Nevada for the cost of a compliance audit conducted pursuant to NRS 624.810;
(r) Has failed to comply with any order of the Board to pay money to the State of Nevada for the cost of a compliance audit conducted pursuant to NRS 624.820;
(s) Has failed to comply with any order of the Board to pay money to the State of Nevada for the cost of a compliance audit conducted pursuant to NRS 624.830;
(t) Has failed to comply with any order of the Board to pay money to the State of Nevada for the cost of a compliance audit conducted pursuant to NRS 624.840;
(u) Has failed to comply with any order of the Board to pay money to the State of Nevada for the cost of a compliance audit conducted pursuant to NRS 624.850;
(v) Has failed to comply with any order of the Board to pay money to the State of Nevada for the cost of a compliance audit conducted pursuant to NRS 624.860;
(w) Has failed to comply with any order of the Board to pay money to the State of Nevada for the cost of a compliance audit conducted pursuant to NRS 624.870;
(x) Has failed to comply with any order of the Board to pay money to the State of Nevada for the cost of a compliance audit conducted pursuant to NRS 624.880;
(y) Has failed to comply with any order of the Board to pay money to the State of Nevada for the cost of a compliance audit conducted pursuant to NRS 624.890;
(z) Has failed to comply with any order of the Board to pay money to the State of Nevada for the cost of a compliance audit conducted pursuant to NRS 624.900;
(aa) Has failed to comply with any order of the Board to pay money to the State of Nevada for the cost of a compliance audit conducted pursuant to NRS 624.910;
(bb) Has failed to comply with any order of the Board to pay money to the State of Nevada for the cost of a compliance audit conducted pursuant to NRS 624.920;
(cc) Has failed to comply with any order of the Board to pay money to the State of Nevada for the cost of a compliance audit conducted pursuant to NRS 624.930;
(dd) Has failed to comply with any order of the Board to pay money to the State of Nevada for the cost of a compliance audit conducted pursuant to NRS 624.940;
(ee) Has failed to comply with any order of the Board to pay money to the State of Nevada for the cost of a compliance audit conducted pursuant to NRS 624.950;
(ff) Has failed to comply with any order of the Board to pay money to the State of Nevada for the cost of a compliance audit conducted pursuant to NRS 624.960;
(gg) Has failed to comply with any order of the Board to pay money to the State of Nevada for the cost of a compliance audit conducted pursuant to NRS 624.970;
(hh) Has failed to comply with any order of the Board to pay money to the State of Nevada for the cost of a compliance audit conducted pursuant to NRS 624.980;
(ii) Has failed to comply with any order of the Board to pay money to the State of Nevada for the cost of a compliance audit conducted pursuant to NRS 624.990;
(jj) Has failed to comply with any order of the Board to pay money to the State of Nevada for the cost of a compliance audit conducted pursuant to NRS 624.1000;
(kk) Has failed to comply with any order of the Board to pay money to the State of Nevada for the cost of a compliance audit conducted pursuant to NRS 624.1010;
(ll) Has failed to comply with any order of the Board to pay money to the State of Nevada for the cost of a compliance audit conducted pursuant to NRS 624.1020;
(mm) Has failed to comply with any order of the Board to pay money to the State of Nevada for the cost of a compliance audit conducted pursuant to NRS 624.1030;
(nn) Has failed to comply with any order of the Board to pay money to the State of Nevada for the cost of a compliance audit conducted pursuant to NRS 624.1040;
(oo) Has failed to comply with any order of the Board to pay money to the State of Nevada for the cost of a compliance audit conducted pursuant to NRS 624.1050;
(pp) Has failed to comply with any order of the Board to pay money to the State of Nevada for the cost of a compliance audit conducted pursuant to NRS 624.1060;
(qq) Has failed to comply with any order of the Board to pay money to the State of Nevada for the cost of a compliance audit conducted pursuant to NRS 624.1070;
(rr) Has failed to comply with any order of the Board to pay money to the State of Nevada for the cost of a compliance audit conducted pursuant to NRS 624.1080;
(ss) Has failed to comply with any order of the Board to pay money to the State of Nevada for the cost of a compliance audit conducted pursuant to NRS 624.1090;
(tt) Has failed to comply with any order of the Board to pay money to the State of Nevada for the cost of a compliance audit conducted pursuant to NRS 624.1100;
(uu) Has failed to comply with any order of the Board to pay money to the State of Nevada for the cost of a compliance audit conducted pursuant to NRS 624.1110;
(vv) Has failed to comply with any order of the Board to pay money to the State of Nevada for the cost of a compliance audit conducted pursuant to NRS 624.1120;
(ww) Has failed to comply with any order of the Board to pay money to the State of Nevada for the cost of a compliance audit conducted pursuant to NRS 624.1130;
(xx) Has failed to comply with any order of the Board to pay money to the State of Nevada for the cost of a compliance audit conducted pursuant to NRS 624.1140;
(yy) Has failed to comply with any order of the Board to pay money to the State of Nevada for the cost of a compliance audit conducted pursuant to NRS 624.1150;
(zz) Has failed to comply with any order of the Board to pay money to the State of Nevada for the cost of a compliance audit conducted pursuant to NRS 624.1160;
(aaa) Has failed to comply with any order of the Board to pay money to the State of Nevada for the cost of a compliance audit conducted pursuant to NRS 624.1170;
(bbb) Has failed to comply with any order of the Board to pay money to the State of Nevada for the cost of a compliance audit conducted pursuant to NRS 624.1180;
(ccc) Has failed to comply with any order of the Board to pay money to the State of Nevada for the cost of a compliance audit conducted pursuant to NRS 624.1190;
(ddd) Has failed to comply with any order of the Board to pay money to the State of Nevada for the cost of a compliance audit conducted pursuant to NRS 624.1200;
(eee) Has failed to comply with any order of the Board to pay money to the State of Nevada for the cost of a compliance audit conducted pursuant to NRS 624.1210;
(fff) Has failed to comply with any order of the Board to pay money to the State of Nevada for the cost of a compliance audit conducted pursuant to NRS 624.1220;
(ggg) Has failed to comply with any order of the Board to pay money to the State of Nevada for the cost of a compliance audit conducted pursuant to NRS 624.1230;
(hhh) Has failed to comply with any order of the Board to pay money to the State of Nevada for the cost of a compliance audit conducted pursuant to NRS 624.1240;
(iii) Has failed to comply with any order of the Board to pay money to the State of Nevada for the cost of a compliance audit conducted pursuant to NRS 624.1250;
(jjj) Has failed to comply with any order of the Board to pay money to the State of Nevada for the cost of a compliance audit conducted pursuant to NRS 624.1260;
(kkk) Has failed to comply with any order of the Board to pay money to the State of Nevada for the cost of a compliance audit conducted pursuant to NRS 624.1270;
(lll) Has failed to comply with any order of the Board to pay money to the State of Nevada for the cost of a compliance audit conducted pursuant to NRS 624.1280;
(mmm) Has failed to comply with any order of the Board to pay money to the State of Nevada for the cost of a compliance audit conducted pursuant to NRS 624.1290;
(nnn) Has failed to comply with any order of the Board to pay money to the State of Nevada for the cost of a compliance audit conducted pursuant to NRS 624.1300;
(ooo) Has failed to comply with any order of the Board to pay money to the State of Nevada for the cost of a compliance audit conducted pursuant to NRS 624.1310;
(ppp) Has failed to comply with any order of the Board to pay money to the State of Nevada for the cost of a compliance audit conducted pursuant to NRS 624.1320;
(qqq) Has failed to comply with any order of the Board to pay money to the State of Nevada for the cost of a compliance audit conducted pursuant to NRS 624.1330;
(rrr) Has failed to comply with any order of the Board to pay money to the State of Nevada for the cost of a compliance audit conducted pursuant to NRS 624.1340;
(sss) Has failed to comply with any order of the Board to pay money to the State of Nevada for the cost of a compliance audit conducted pursuant to NRS 624.1350;
(ttt) Has failed to comply with any order of the Board to pay money to the State of Nevada for the cost of a compliance audit conducted pursuant to NRS 624.1360;
(uuu) Has failed to comply with any order
2. A petición de la Junta, un solicitante de una licencia de contratista, cualquier oficial, director, socio o asociado del solicitante y cualquier persona que califique en nombre del solicitante de conformidad con la subsección 2 de NRS 624.260 debe presentar a la Junta tarjetas de huellas dactilares completas y un formulario autorizando una investigación del antecedentes del solicitante y la presentación de las huellas dactilares al Repositorio Central de Registros de Antecedentes Penales de Nevada y al Buró Federal de Investigaciones. Las tarjetas de huellas dactilares y el formulario de autorización presentados deben ser los proporcionados al solicitante por la Junta. Las huellas dactilares del solicitante pueden ser tomadas por un agente de la Junta o una agencia de aplicación de la ley.
3. Excepto según lo dispuesto en NRS 239.0115, la Junta mantendrá confidenciales los resultados de la investigación y no estarán sujetos a inspección por parte del público en general.
4. La Junta establecerá por reglamento la tarifa por el procesamiento de las huellas dactilares que debe ser pagada por el solicitante. La tarifa no debe exceder la suma de las cantidades cobradas por el Repositorio Central de Registros de Antecedentes Penales de Nevada y el Buró Federal de Investigaciones por el procesamiento de las huellas dactilares.
5. La Junta puede obtener registros de una agencia de aplicación de la ley o cualquier otra agencia que mantenga registros de antecedentes penales, incluidos, entre otros, registros de:
(a) Arrestos;
(b) Declaraciones de culpabilidad y declaraciones de culpabilidad pero con enfermedad mental;
(c) Sentencia;
(d) Libertad condicional;
(e) Libertad condicional;
(f) Fianza;
(g) Quejas; y
(h) Disposiciones finales,
–> para la investigación de un licenciado o un solicitante de una licencia de contratista.
1. Un solicitante de una licencia de contratista o un licenciado notificará por escrito a la Junta si es condenado o se declara culpable, culpable pero con enfermedad mental o nolo contendere de:
(a) Un delito contra un niño según se define en NRS 179.245;
(b) Un delito sexual según se define en NRS 179.245;
(c) Asesinato según se define en NRS 200.010;
(d) Homicidio voluntario según se define en NRS 200.050; o
(e) Cualquier otro delito grave o delito que implique depravación moral si la condena ocurrió o la declaración de culpabilidad fue presentada en los 15 años inmediatamente anteriores,
–> en este Estado o en cualquier otra jurisdicción.
2. Un solicitante de una licencia de contratista o un licenciado presentará la notificación requerida por la subsección 1 no más de 30 días después de la condena o la declaración de culpabilidad, culpable pero con enfermedad mental o nolo contendere.