Our Las Vegas wrongful death lawyers know that there is no worse pain than losing loved ones too soon. And it is only right that the culprits who caused their death pay big.
If your family member was killed, our Nevada personal injury attorneys will relentlessly pursue a wrongful death case against the responsible parties.
First, we will attempt to obtain the largest settlement possible through aggressive negotiation. But if the wrongdoers refuse to show responsibility for the fatal accident, we will litigate the matter all the way to trial in pursuit of the highest financial reward possible to help you move on and find closure.
You can reach us by calling or filling out the form on this page. One of our compassionate Nevada wrongful death attorneys will speak to you by phone or in-person to listen to your situation and help you decide on the best course of action.
Also see our articles on how to file a wrongful death claim in Nevada and What is the wrongful death statute in Nevada?
Depending on the case, wrongful death actions can be initiated by the personal representative of the decedent’s estate, the surviving spouse, or other surviving family members.
What Damages Can I Get for Wrongful Death in Nevada?
Parties in a Las Vegas wrongful death action may seek pecuniary (monetary) damages. Pecuniary damages are the kind of damages that can be calculated in financial terms.
Such damages are intended to compensate the deceased person’s family for the loss of support, services, and inheritance prospects as well as medical bills and funeral expenses. There is no set formula for the amount of monetary damages that can be awarded in these cases: Nevada law simply mandates that the amount of money awarded must be fair and just.
Courts may also award punitive damages if the at-fault parties (the “defendants”) acted maliciously or in serious disregard of the victim’s safety:
Unlike compensatory damages in Nevada — which are meant in part to help compensate for pain and suffering — punitive damages serve to punish the defendants for their wrongful acts. Punitive damages can often be much higher than compensatory damages, which is why our attorneys will stop at nothing to pursue them.
Our Las Vegas wrongful death attorneys understand that we cannot put a dollar value on your loved one’s life. Instead, we fight for as much money as possible to help you cope with the loss and build a brighter future with no financial burdens adding to your stress.
Many wrongful death lawsuits stem from deadly car accidents, truck accidents, or defective products.
What Does a Nevada Wrongful Death Attorney do?
Our Las Vegas personal injury attorneys manage the entirety of the case so you can concentrate on mourning and moving on. Five of the many services that our attorneys take care of include:
- Compiling all available evidence, such as eyewitness accounts, video surveillance, relevant written communications, medical records, and the coroner’s report
- Investigating the circumstances that led to the death, including returning to the scene of the death
- Searching for the most reputable expert witnesses, such as weapons experts and forensic experts
- Negotiating for a high settlement with the defendant’s attorneys
- Taking the matter to trial if the defendant refuses to agree to a favorable settlement
Furthermore, all these services are done free of charge unless and until we win the case.
Beneficiaries in wrongful death cases can receive medical expenses, burial expenses, and loss of support.
Can I Sue for Wrongful Death in Nevada Without an Attorney?
Bringing a personal injury lawsuit is extremely complex and requires intimate knowledge of case law and courtroom procedures. Victims’ families who attempt to prosecute a lawsuit themselves are at high risk of self-sabotaging their viable legal claims.
Meanwhile, the defense attorneys may try to intimidate unrepresented plaintiffs with threatening letters, angry phone calls, and frivolous court motions. A family in the throes of mourning is in no emotional condition to go up against calculating attorneys.
As long as plaintiffs have their own experienced wrongful death attorney, the defense counsel is far more likely to take the plaintiffs seriously and engage in good faith settlement talks. And by hiring an attorney to manage all the heavy lifting, the plaintiffs can concentrate on what really matters and not the frustrating busywork that a legal case requires.
The statute of limitations to bring wrongful death actions is two years under Nevada state law. This time limit starts running after the death.
How Can a Las Vegas Wrongful Death Lawyer Help?
Proving wrongful death requires establishing numerous elements, including the other party’s negligence and the extent to which the family has been damaged.
You have enough to worry about without trying to negotiate payment from a party that will most likely want to deny responsibility. And trying to put a value on the life of a lost family member can be extraordinarily stressful.
Our caring Las Vegas personal injury lawyers can shield you from having to deal with the wrongdoers and/or insurers yourself. We can provide you with a reasonable estimate of what is an appropriate amount to seek in a settlement or lawsuit and help you put together a compelling personal injury case.
We welcome you to call us to discuss your situation confidentially and discretely. There is no cost to you for talking to us.
And know that if we decide to move forward, you will pay us nothing until we recover a settlement or judgment on your behalf.
Call our wrongful death law firm for legal advice. Our Las Vegas personal injury attorneys offer free consultations and case reviews.
Call us for help…
If your family member died because of someone else’s wrongful actions, our Las Vegas personal injury lawyers may be able to help you get financial compensation for your losses and justice for your loved ones.
To schedule a free consultation to discuss your legal options and legal rights, call us or fill out the form on this page. One of our Clark County wrongful death lawyers will get back to you promptly to discuss the circumstances and the best way to move forward with your legal action.
We can also help if your spouse or registered domestic partner survived an injury that caused you to suffer “loss of consortium” in Nevada (such as loss of companionship, intimacy, and moral support). You may also wish to see our articles about survival actions in Nevada, how to bring a medical malpractice case, motor vehicle accident lawsuits, products liability, and suing for wrongful birth in Nevada.
And please feel free to speak to our California personal injury lawyers if your loved one was the victim of a wrongful death in California. We can also assist with wrongful death suits in Colorado. We provide free case evaluations on creating attorney-client relationships. Disclaimer: Results cannot be guaranteed.