Colorado Revised Statutes § 18-3-404 prohibits the crime of unlawful sexual contact, which is non-consensual sexual touching such as groping or fondling. Unlawful sexual contact is less serious than sexual assault because there is no penetration.
Examples of unlawful sexual contact include:
- You intentionally put your hand on a server’s buttocks in a restaurant because you “like her ass”;
- You rub your crotch against a seated passenger’s breasts on a crowded bus;
- You stuff your co-worker’s hand down your pants.
In some states, unlawful sexual contact is called “sexual battery.” The following table spells out the penalties:
Unlawful Sexual Contact | Colorado Criminal Sentence |
Most cases | Extraordinary risk class 1 misdemeanor: Up to 18 months in jail and/or $1,000 |
If the victim was drugged, forced, intimidated, or threatened | Extraordinary risk class 4 felony: 2 to 8 years in prison and/or $2,000 to $500,000 |
If a deadly weapon was involved | Extraordinary risk class 4 felony: 5 years to life in prison and/or $2,000 to $500,000 |
In addition, whether you are convicted of a misdemeanor or a felony, you will have to register as a sex offender.
To help you better understand unlawful sexual contact laws, our Denver, Colorado criminal defense lawyers will discuss the following topics:
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1. Elements
For you to be convicted of unlawful sexual contact under Colorado Revised Statute § 18-3-404, prosecutors must prove beyond a reasonable doubt that – for the purpose of sexual arousal, gratification, or abuse – you either:
- Knowingly touched someone’s intimate parts without their consent; or
- Knowingly caused someone to touch your intimate parts without their consent.
“Intimate parts” comprises a person’s external genitalia, perineum, anus, buttocks, pubes, or breasts. The touching can be through clothing or within the immediate area of the person’s intimate parts.1
Note that unlawful sexual contact also comprises enticing a child under 18 – for your sexual gratification – to either:
- Expose their intimate parts or
- Have sexual contact with another person.2
This is different than the crime of enticement of a child, which is luring a child under 15 to enter a vehicle, building, room, or secluded place with the intent to commit sexual assault or unlawful sexual contact with that child yourself.
Meaning of “Consent”
For sexual consent to be valid under Colorado law, there must be:
- Cooperation in an act or attitude according to an exercise of free will and
- Knowledge of the nature of the act.
A current or previous relationship is not sufficient to constitute consent. Submission under the influence of fear is also not consent.3
Unlawful Sexual Contact vs. Sexual Assault
Unlike unlawful sexual contact, the crime of sexual assault involves non-consensual “penetration” or “intrusion,” even if it is just slight.4 Examples include:
- Sexual intercourse,
- Cunnilingus,
- Fellatio,
- Analingus,
- Anal intercourse,
- Digital sex, or
- Inserting an object or other body part into a person’s genital or anal opening.
Ejaculation is not necessary.5
2. Penalties
In Colorado, unlawful sexual contact is usually an extraordinary risk class 1 misdemeanor, carrying:
- Up to 18 months in jail and/or
- A fine of up to $1,000.6
Sexual contact becomes an extraordinary risk class 4 felony when the alleged victim is compelled to submit to the sexual contact by:
- Drugging,
- Force,
- Intimidation, or
- Threat.
As an extraordinary risk class 4 felony, unlawful sexual contact carries:
- 2 to 8 years in prison and/or
- A fine of $2,000 to $500,000.7
Violent Crime Sentencing
Sexual contact becomes a violent crime in Colorado if during the commission of the offense:
- You used, possessed, or threatened the use of, a deadly weapon, or
- You caused serious bodily injury or death to any other person (other than an accomplice).
Unlawful sexual contact as a violent crime carries a prison term of five years to life in prison.
Sex offenses can result in a fine, incarceration, and sex offender registration.
3. Sex Offender Registry
If you are convicted of (or plead guilty or no contest to) unlawful sexual contact, you will be entered into the Colorado Bureau of Investigation’s sex offender registry.8
The entry will include:
- Your name,
- Your address,
- Your date of birth;
- Your photo,
- Your physical description;
- Your crime(s) and date(s) of conviction;
- Your predatory habits (modus operandi), if known; and
- Whether you are considered a “sexually violent predator” (SVP).
What if I do not register?
Failure to register as a sex offender is a Colorado class 6 felony. Penalties include:
- 1 to 1 ½ years in jail and/or
- A fine of $1,000 to $100,000.
Can I get off the sex offender registry?
Possibly. Provided you do not commit any other sex crimes, you may petition the court to be removed from the Colorado sex offender registry after 10 years from your complete discharge following your sexual contact sentence.
Can I stay off the sex offender registry in the first place?
At the time of your conviction, you may petition the court not to add you to the registry if:
- You were younger than 18 years of age at the time of the commission of the unlawful sexual contact; and
- You have not been previously charged with unlawful sexual behavior; and
- It is your first offense for misdemeanor unlawful sexual contact; and
- A sex offender evaluation recommends exempting you based on the best interests of both you and the community; and
- The court makes written findings of fact specifying the grounds for granting such an exemption.9
Whereas sexual assault involves penetration or intrusion, sexual contact usually involves unwanted touching.
4. Defenses
Here at Colorado Legal Defense Group, we have represented literally thousands of people charged with sex crimes such as unlawful sexual contact. In our experience, the following seven defenses have proven very effective with prosecutors, judges, and juries.
- There was no contact with the alleged victim’s intimate parts,
- The contact was accidental,
- The alleged victim consented to the contact,
- You reasonably did not know the alleged victim did not consent, and their conduct indicated consent,
- There was a legitimate reason for the contact – for example, you were babysitting a child and were reasonably checking to see if the child was sick or injured,
- You were not touching the alleged victim for sexual gratification, or
- Law enforcement coerced your confession.
Legal References:
- Colorado Revised Statute 18-3-401.
(1) Any actor who knowingly subjects a victim to any sexual contact commits unlawful sexual contact if:
(a) The actor knows that the victim does not consent; or
(b) The actor knows that the victim is incapable of appraising the nature of the victim’s conduct; or
(c) The victim is physically helpless and the actor knows that the victim is physically helpless and the victim has not consented; or
(d) The actor has substantially impaired the victim’s power to appraise or control the victim’s conduct by employing, without the victim’s consent, any drug, intoxicant, or other means for the purpose of causing submission; or
(e) Repealed.
(f) The victim is in custody of law or detained in a hospital or other institution and the actor has supervisory or disciplinary authority over the victim and uses this position of authority, unless incident to a lawful search, to coerce the victim to submit; or
(g) The actor engages in treatment or examination of a victim for other than bona fide medical purposes or in a manner substantially inconsistent with reasonable medical practices.
(1.5) Any person who knowingly, with or without sexual contact, induces or coerces a child by any of the means set forth in section 18-3-402 to expose intimate parts or to engage in any sexual contact, intrusion, or penetration with another person, for the purpose of the actor’s own sexual gratification, commits unlawful sexual contact. For the purposes of this subsection (1.5), the term “child” means any person under the age of eighteen years.
See also People v. Pifer, (2014) COA 93, 350 P.3d 936. See also People in Interest of J.O., (Court of Appeal, 2022) COA 65 (“we hold as a matter of first impression that the trier of fact must consider the juvenile’s age and maturity before it can infer the requisite intent that the juvenile acted with a sexual purpose. And we clarify that it may not — and often will not — be appropriate for a fact finder to ascribe the same intent to a juvenile’s act that one could reasonably ascribe to the same act if performed by an adult.“).
- Same.
- Same.
- Same.
- Same.
- 18-3-404 (2)(a) C.R.S. Prior to March 1, 2022, misdemeanor unlawful sexual contact was classified as an extraordinary risk crime carrying up to two years in prison. SB21-271.
- 18-3-404 (2)(b) C.R.S. People v. Holwuttle, (Colo. App. 2006) 155 P.3d 447.
- 16-22-103 C.R.S.
- 16-22-113 C.R.S.