California Penal Code 555 PC is the statute that prohibits trespassing on posted property. This offense is a misdemeanor that carries up to six months in county jail and/or up to $1,000 in fines.
The full text of the statute reads as follows:
555. It is unlawful to enter or remain upon any posted property without the written permission of the owner, tenant, or occupant in legal possession or control thereof. Every person who enters or remains upon posted property without such written permission is guilty of a separate offense for each day during any portion of which he enters or remains upon such posted property.
Legal Analysis
California Penal Code 555 PC makes it a crime to go onto – or remain on – posted property without the written permission from either the:
- property owner,
- property tenant, or
- legal occupant of the property.
Defendants face separate misdemeanor charges for each day they go onto – or remain on – the posted property without permission.
Example: Jamie goes camping on posted property in San Bernardino County for three days. If caught, Jamie faces three separate charges – one for each day of trespass.
Trespassing on posted property is a misdemeanor in California. Penalties include:
- up to 6 months in jail, and/or
- up to $1,000 in fines.1
Trespassing on posted property without written permission is a misdemeanor offense under Penal Code 555 PC.
Legal References
- California Penal Code 555 PC – Entry upon posted property; Separate offenses. PC 555.3.