Moapa Valley Justice Court is located at 320 N. Moapa Valley Rd., Overton, NV 89040, in the Community Center building, just north of Valley of Fire State Park.
The phone number is (702) 397-2840. The email is [email protected]. And hours of operation are Monday through Thursday, 7:00 AM to 5:00 PM.
In this article our Nevada criminal defense attorneys answer these frequently-asked-questions:
- 1. What cases are in Moapa Valley Justice Court?
- 2. Is my case information online?
- 3. How do I pay my fines?
- 4. Can I get the fine reduced?
- 5. Do I have to come to court?
- 6. Can I get an attorney for free?
- 7. What is the parking situation?
- 8. What do I wear?
- 9. Are there translators for non-English speakers?
- 10. Can I bring my gun to court?
- 11. When can I seal my criminal records?
- 12. What if I want to appeal?
1. What cases does Moapa Valley Justice Court handle?
Moapa Valley Township Justice Court (MVJC) has jurisdiction over the following criminal matters in Moapa Valley and Overton:
- Misdemeanors, which includes traffic tickets
- Gross misdemeanors
- Felonies
If a felony or gross misdemeanor case does not resolve in MVJC, then it will get bound over to the Eighth Judicial District Court in downtown, Las Vegas.
MVJC also has jurisdiction over the following civil matters in Moapa Valley and Overton:
- Restraining orders except for domestic violence TPOs, which must be issued through Family Court in Las Vegas.
- Landlord/tenant disputes and evictions
- Small claims cases with up to $10,000 in dispute
- Civil cases with up to $15,000 in dispute
Note that MVJC is different from Moapa Justice Court, which is about 15 miles northwest.
2. Is my case information online?
Yes, the most up-to-date information is on the MVJC website. People can find their case by searching with their name, citation number, or case number.
3. How do I pay my fines?
In any of the following ways:
3.1. In person
On Monday through Thursday, from 7:00 AM to 5:00 PM, go to the courthouse at:
320 N. Moapa Valley Blvd.
Moapa Valley, NV 89040
People may pay by cash, credit (MasterCard/Visa), debit (MasterCard/Visa), money orders, cashiers checks, or personal checks.
3.2. Online
Go to the MVJC website and pay by credit or debit card (MasterCard/Visa)
3.3. Over the phone
To pay a traffic citation over the phone, call (702) 397-2840 from 7:00 AM to 3:30 PM. The clerk accepts MasterCard or Visa.
3.4. The U.S. mail
Send a cashiers check or money order to:
Moapa Valley Justice Courthouse
P O Box 337
Overton, Nevada 89040
4. Can I get the fine reduced?
Defendants who cannot make their fine payments can ask the judge to let them do community service instead. Defendants can earn $10 off their fine by each hour they work. But the judge has to approve this request ahead of time.
Due to COVID-19, people may be able to get an extension to pay. Call the clerk at (702) 397-2840 to check.
5. Do I have to come to court?
Call the clerk at (702) 397-2840 to check what the current policies are regarding the coronavirus. People may be able to appear telephonically. For many traffic cases, defendants can skip court as long as they pay the fine.
Note that criminal defendants who skip required appearances may get a bench warrant, which means that they can then be arrested at any time. Defendants with a warrant can hire a criminal defense lawyer to file a motion to quash the bench warrant. As long as the defense attorney shows up to the ensuing bench warrant hearing, the defendant can usually be absent.
If the case is a civil matter, skipping a hearing can cause the judge to issue a default judgment against the absent party.
6. Can I get an attorney for free?
Defendants facing criminal charges will get a court-appointed public defender if they cannot afford their own private counsel.
7. What is the parking situation?
There is free parking to the side of the courthouse.
8. What do I wear?
Dress conservatively. No shorts, tank tops, suggestive or offensive clothing, hats, or bare feet.
9. Are there translators for non-English speakers?
People have to reserve an interpreter ahead of time by calling the Clark County Court Interpreter’s Office at (702) 455-4279.
10. Can I bring my gun to court?
No, leave it at home. There is a metal detector at the entrance.
11. When can I seal my criminal records?
It depends on the case. Dismissed charges can be sealed immediately. But there is always a wait for convictions. And certain convictions are unsealable.
Nevada conviction | Waiting period for a record seal after the case closes |
Misdemeanors (with some exceptions – see below) | 1 year |
Gross misdemeanors, category E felonies, and misdemeanor battery, harassment, stalking, or violation of a protection order | 2 years |
Category D felonies, category C felonies, or category B felonies (with some exceptions – see below) | 5 years |
Misdemeanor DUI and battery domestic violence | 7 years |
Category A felonies, burglary of a residence, and felony crimes of violence | 10 years |
Certain sex crimes, crimes against children, invasion of the home with a deadly weapon, and felony DUI. | Never |
Defendants are advised to hire an attorney to seal criminal records, which is a long and confusing process.
12. What if I want to appeal?
Trial verdicts in MVJC can be appealed to the Clark County (8th Judicial) District Court, which is downtown Las Vegas at 200 Lewis Ave. It is highly recommended that people hire an experienced appellate attorney to handle the appeals process.
Our Las Vegas, NV law firm appears in courts throughout the state.
Helpful Links
- Moapa Valley Justice Court official site
- Forms
- Bail schedule
- Fee schedule
- Traffic School
- Record Seal handbook
- Clark County District Attorney
- Nevada Supreme Court